Wednesday, December 12, 2012


     In the winter I would recommened to drive this just because it does have 4wheel drive which is very much needed with Minnesota winters. You can get very good grip with how the front end is leaning forward and back end up. It all comes down to the tires tho. If you have crap tires then your winter will suck but if you have big, thick tires you'll recieve more grip. I don't usually drive my truck in the winter time just because I have low pro's on my truck and very little tread. But the Dodge Rumble Bee can definitley handle snow, with the Hemi engine in it. Most people have to put sand bags in the back of their truck, but I never needed to. But unlike most cars, they don't have 4wheel drive so its harder for them to get around. I enjoy being able not being that person who ends up in the ditch because they didnt have 4wheel drive or good tires. In my opinion my truck deserves an 9/10 for winter driving.

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